Match Made In Jannah will try to guide you in helping you make the best choices, by providing direction and support to help you discover your best qualities and those of your potential partners throughout your search.
Whether you meet someone in person or online — your sound judgment and instincts are necessary to protect yourself. When you are just starting to meet different people, caution is very necessary. Below are some important 'Tips' for safely navigating any relationship, but especially one that begins online.

Always Use Your Best Judgment

As with any interactions, please realize that it is always possible for people to misrepresent themselves. Match Made In Jannah does not conduct criminal background checks each time an account is registered. It is ultimately your responsibility to make the judgement if the person you are interacting with is being honest or deceitful. Don't ignore any facts that seem inconsistent or "off." Trust your instincts and remember you always have an upper hand over the entire situation. If at any time you're talking to someone online or on the phone, and they say things that raise your suspicions, please consider ending the conversation. If you’re out on a date and you feel uncomfortable, you should leave.
Listed below are some common red flags when you meet someone new. Watch out for someone who:
  1. If you ask basic specific questions, and their answers are always unclear.
  2. If they want you to depositing funds, shipping merchandise, etc).
  3. If they want to know your where about, your address, schedule, friends.
  4. If they tell stories that are inconsistent or grandiose stories.
  5. If they talk and ask inappropriate questions.
  6. If they suddenly have a personal crisis and pressures you to provide financial assistance, and their demand starts to get increasingly aggressive.
  7. If they start pressuring you to marry him/her right away, even though you insist, you need more time.
  8. If they say that they live in the U.S. but are currently living, working, or traveling abroad.
  9. If they ask you for any financial help, or materialistic need.
  10. If they are very anxious to talk or chat on an outside email or messaging service.
  11. If someone was recently widowed, and are already looking for someone.
  12. If someone suddenly disappears from site under one name, then reappears under a different name.
  13. If someone insists on getting overly close, very fast.
  14. If someone has a negative attitude majority of the time, someone who always blames others for troubles in his or her life.
  15. If a match does any of the above activities or makes you suspicious in any way, please report this as a Match Concern by emailing to matchmadeinjannah@gmail.com so that we can investigate the matter.
NEVER - Share Financial Info. or Any Personal Info.

  • DO NOT give out your credit card number or bank information.
  • DO NOT send money to someone you meet online, especially by wire transfer.
  • DO NOT share your Social Security Number, mother's maiden name, or other private information that can be used to access your financial information.
Immediately stop communicating with anyone who pressures you for personal or financial information or plays games into tricking you to reveal it.

Protect Your Account Always

If you use an account from a shared or public computer, always be aware of your surroundings and use caution so that no one can view or record your password as well as other personal information.

Never Share Personal Information

Never share information that could reveal your identity, such as your last name, email address, home address, phone number, place of work or any other identifying information in your Internet profile or initial email messages, in your initial stages, no matter how strong you feel about the connection. Once you've given out your personal information, you cannot take it back! We encourage you to get to know a match well before taking the next step.
Communication is an important step in getting to know each other better. Please discuss the need to respect each other's privacy. If or when either of you decide to end communication in the future, agree not to use the phone number as a means to pursue an unwanted relationship. For added security, try using your phone's privacy features when you call, like private number blocking.

Please Research for Yourself

While we conduct certain types of screening and utilize a variety of screening technologies and resources, such as screening our U.S. subscribers against public sex offender registries in the United States, it is important to remember that such screenings are inherently limited. Registries can be incomplete or inaccurate, and states and jurisdictions differ as to what type of crime must be registered on their registries and what types of crimes get removed. Many crimes often go unreported and perpetrators are not always convicted. Relying solely on screening can provide a false sense of security, so we strongly recommend that you follow the rest of the Safety Tips regardless of any screenings that we may perform. When it comes to your personal safety, you are in ultimate control.
We rely on the honesty of our members when filling out our Match Made In Jannah bio-data, to supply us with their correct date of birth, marital status, residence, occupation, educational background and other information.
Regardless of the connection you may feel with any of the matches, we encourage you to do your own research before meeting any person. This can include:
  1. Type your match's name into a search engine
  2. Contact your state or local municipalities to obtain public information
  3. Type your match's name into a search engineUse a paid service to obtain a full background report.
If you find anything that doesn't seem to add up, follow your intuition and stop communicating with that person. Please use common sense and pay attention to the details someone shares with you.

Use Caution Before Clicking on Any URL Link

We understand that a match may share a URL link to a favorite website or article as part of the get-to-know-you communication process. However, as a general practice, you should always use good judgment and be cautious when deciding to click on any URL links. In particular, be aware of links that lead to web pages which look similar or identical to the Match Made In Jannah homepage, including its log-in fields. These links are typically sent as attempts to 'phish' for log-in information from users in order to compromise user accounts. You should report any such phishing attempts to Match Made In Jannah immediately. Please log in to your Match Made Jannah account by directly accessing the Match Made In Jannah website at www.matchmadeinjannah.com or by downloading the Match Made In Jannah App.

Slow Down & Take Your Time

We can't stress enough on how important it is for you to take your time in getting to know your match.
Even though Match Made In Jannahs’ matching system creates extremely compatible matches, compatibility alone does not replace the need for real-life experiences. It is vital to know each other, the more experiences you share, the better your chances of avoiding hidden and unpleasant surprises. So, allow time for a variety of experiences to occur, particularly your everyday routines, so get a feel of the real person. In cases of long-distance relationships, if possible, you should consider living around the city/area for a significant time before committing to a more serious relationship. Move slowly and pay attention to the reality of your new relationship.

Make Your First Meeting Safe & Successful

Meeting in person is exciting. Have fun and explore the level of chemistry you share with him/her, but don't let high hopes cloud your ability to exercise reasonable caution. ALWAYS:
  1. Inform elders in your home of the Match Made In Jannah connection, if you find someone who seems like a good connection.
  2. Communication is of the utmost importance, talk to him/her on regular basis. Feel comfortable & get to know your match well, before you decide to introduce to your family
  3. When someone wants to meet you, make sure that his/her intentions are good.
  4. Always dress appropriately, remember, you want someone to like and accept you as a husband/wife

Respectful and Kindness

He took a great interest in the welfare of all people and had great compassion for people in trouble. The Prophet Muhammad imitated the attributes of God par excellence and translated them into practice in the highest form possible for man. Kindness is an attribute of Allah, which has no limits. It is extensive and encompasses all things and all beings without discrimination. Likewise was the kindness of the Prophet. He extended it to all beings, both animate and inanimate and benefited all without measure. The Quranic words for the Prophet's kindness, ra'ufun rahirn (Quran 9:128) are very intensive and comprehensive in meaning and convey the true nature and extent of the Prophet's kindness to people.
If a match feels the need to close communication with you, please respect their wishes.

Report Concerns About a Match Made In Jannah

Match Made In Jannah works hard to identify and close individuals who misrepresent who they are on our site, we take our members complaints seriously. If you have concerns about a particular match, please do not hesitate to report it to us so that we can take appropriate actions to keep your search on Match Made In Jannah safe.
You can report your match directly from their profile page or from within your communication. Once reported, this information will be sent directly to our Safety team for review. Please be assured that all reports will be kept completely confidential.
We hope these guidelines will help to make your Match Made In Jannah experience a success, and that you will find your soul mate soon.

Match Made In Jannah Customer Care